Industrial & digital mining solutions

The first step is generally the most difficult, but also the most important. When commissioning a network, everything should be done correctly, from professional quality preparation to the final acceptance tests. The best way to avoid delays and their consequential expense is to exclude all possible sources of error right from the start.

The Profitek Support Team is available at any time to install and configure your network. Efficient commissioning of a network requires not only the correct choice of components but also expert knowledge from the installers. Regardless of whether you rely on specially trained staff or an outside expert, you cannot afford to compromise with the operation and resilience of an application.

Only first-class installation and configuration will guarantee you faultless operation from day one. It is particularly important to avoid damage to components due to incorrect installation (e. g. ESD problems), as these will invalidate the warranty. We strongly believe that if you understand technology and how to effectively implement specific products, the need for unnecessary maintenance and expensive system redesign can be drastically minimized. Our training courses combine comprehensive technical knowledge with hands-on practical implementation.

Profitek believes that learning about technology is only helpful when coupled with knowledge of how the technology can fit into the unique requirements of the industrial user. Our courses are available on demand, so please contact our training staff if you require any additional information.

Certified distributors in South Africa and Africa for Belden, Hirschmann, Advantech, Acksys, Racom and Minelert.

Contact us to discuss network solutions
for your mining operations