The Gauteng Department of Health confirmed that 53 employees at AngloGold Ashanti’s Mponeng mine in the Merafong d
istrict have tested positive for Covid-19. According to the latest statistics on the company’s website, the number of positive cases have now been confirmed as 164, of which the vast majority are asymptomatic.
Mponeng management has confirmed that all positive cases will be isolated in line with national health protocols, with on-site facilities available for those who may need them.
Mponeng uses Minelert’s Lost Person Detection System, distributed by Profitek (Pty) Ltd. The Minelert LPD system is an electronic tracking solution used by all employees working underground. It is designed as a safety tool in the event of missing miners that need to be located. The system has proved critical in locating primary and close contacts who became exposed to those individuals who tested positive for COVID-19.
Minelert started active development of the Lost Persons Detection (LPD) system in 2009 and have numerous successful applications in the mining industry with proven reference sites such as AngloGold Ashanti’s Mponeng mine. Minelert’s LPD system is a proximity (zoning) solution based on 2.45GHz technology that has been proven in search and rescue operations and many other underground tunnelling projects throughout the world.
Profitek offers a total solution for asset tracking, lost person detection and tracking logistics. Click here to read more about our industrial and digital solutions.
To read the full News24 Article click here.
For more information contact Fons de Leeuw, Profitek, 086 165 4321,